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Do You Love Your Job? — Answers


We first of all congratulate you for taking your first step towards finding a way for a wonderful living ……. 

If your ‘a’ is greater than ‘b’ and ‘c’.

You are a person with principles and believe that you are extraordinary. Your career seems not to suit your abilities. It is high time that you cry “SOS”. It is very clear that when you believe yourself as an extra ordinary person it is based on your explored strengths. You don’t agree in an accidental victory. You are meticulous and a good strategist. Break down the myths and come out of your shell. Life is full of risks, get out and create a history. Because you are one among the few who have created our past. You are sticking to this career because of money and a social recognition. Doing what you really are capable of requires persistence and if you can’t, who can?. 

If your ‘b’ is greater than ‘a’ and ‘c’. You are a person whose roots are deep in to the culture. You are really content with whatever you do. You keep yourself and your environment happy. You are an achiever. You are happy with the success in your career and foresee the same in the future also. But we suspect that you have not understood your abilities. We recommend you to think for a while about that. You could learn few things which are required for you to grow in your own career. List few things which your boss has and you don’t (other than experience) and try to learn it. 

If your ‘c’ is greater than ‘b’ and ‘a’ .

You are a person who takes life as it comes. You are a person with energy and enthusiasm. You are not a kind of person who takes career seriously. That doesn’t mean you are not serious about money. For you, life is full of fun. Though your current career supplies all that is required to you now, you must understand that when your responsibilities in life rise, you will be forced to think about your career. Better late than never.  

Best of luck! 

  1. Jax
    March 5, 2007 at 11:29 pm

    Welcome to WordPress… :-) Good to see another convert :-)

  2. May 31, 2007 at 6:38 am

    Howdy! bala….

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